He is so powerful to the extent that, some Kenyans are now reffering to him as “ mungu wa pili “, a Swahili for the second god.
However , Sheikh Saleh, a descendant of Arabs and Persians who immigrated to the East African nation in 19th Century is not happy
with the idea.
with the idea.
“ I hate when people call me the second god. That is blaspheming! I am neither the second God, nor a deity! I am just a human being, just like you or any other person! I really don’t like that and I repeat, I really don’t like that “ He said.
Sheikh Saleh, the master of Egyptian Witchcraft, Indian Witchcraft, Persian Witchcraft, Tibetan Magic, Arabian Black Magic combined with Black African Magic is praised in all over the country of Kenya for his ability to solve people’s problems by using his spiritual powers.
Ascending to the levels of a supernatural being, Sheikh Saleh is indeed in the highest level of existence. He is Primus Inter Pares among the powerful witchdoctors in the world.
Speaking to the author of this article, one juju man , who is also regarded to be among the strongest and powerful witch doctors in the region, had this to say about Sheikh Saleh The Greatest .
“ I know him as a very gifted man. He know that which we know not! He is a spiritual custodian to many powerful witch doctors in East, central and Southern part of Africa.
"Most of the powerfull witchdoctors from this region, claim there spiritual powers from him. A lot of Strong and powerful witchdoctors from Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Malawi and Democratic Republic of Kenya come to Sheikh Saleh for spiritual powers.
"Most of the time when we faced with difficult problems, we consult Sheikh Saleh. He specializes in solving the impossible difficult issues. “ He said
When I asked him about the issue of some Kenyans calling him “ the second god” he replied :
“ Sheikh Saleh himself, doesn’t like to be addressed as such. But for my personal opinion, although it is not right for people to call him such a name, but some time I don’t blame them so much for that, because he kind deserve that title. He can solve almost any problem that you can imagine “. He said.
He added that “ Sheikh Saleh the Great is a kind of person who will never be afraid only by people but also by ghost and spirits, not the weak spirits, the strongest and powerful ones.”
He has powers to do and un do. He has powers to do the impossible and see the invisible.
Most of the successful businessmen and politicians are a result of blessings from Sheikh Saleh. Sheikh Saleh is indeed one of the most precious gifts that God gave to human kind. He has changed a lot of people’s lives.
Sheikh is now in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania for a two week visit .
If you need to know more about Sheikh Saleh the Great, please visit